First time experiencing an Aeropress Championship Event.
Hi my lovely readers! This is my first blog about my passion towards coffee <3. I never think that I would be so crazed about it.
When I was a little girl, I never understood why my father liked to drink coffee. Although it has a very aromatic scent but it tastes bitter. Yeah.. that's me as a child.
My coffee addiction started during my years in university life. When I need a booster to hold myself together, coffee is always my life saver. Then I start to try out new coffee from different cafes and roasters in Glasgow (Check my blog: Bluntly Reviews: Glasgow's cafes and coffee shops (City Centre, South, and East)). I went to Papercup Coffee Company for a barista basic masterclass and met Davies, the best roaster and coffee addict from Papercup! I would say that he's my personal coffee advisor LOL. I went to Glasgow coffee festival in the Briggait last summer, it was a memorable experience which caused insomnia for the rest of my night! This is the starting point of my coffee addict route <3
<Check my personal Instagram for more coffee passion!!>
After I moved to Edinburgh, I've tried several cafes in the city( I will create a brief review for it later <3). I also join Edinburgh Napier Coffee Society, a group for coffee lovers like myself. (Although it's for freshers, I didn't care because age doesn't count LOL). So, the first meeting with these peeps was in Artisan Roast - Bruntsfield which is where I saw an Aeropress Championship poster event.

The event was arranged by Brew Lab at the Summerhall, Edinburgh. It started at 6.30 pm having two people from two semi-final rounds then those four will proceed to the final. You can grab drinks from Barney's Beer, Pilot beer, coffee cocktails from BrewLab, Signature donuts from Baba Budan, to accompany you during the whole event. Before the final began, Brass Gumbo's performance had my heart! I love their instrument combinations on funky music. It makes me think of my old days when I was playing in a school band.

The winner will be the cup that the three judges craves to drink the entire cup.
Aeropress championship rules:

Congratulations to the winner from Cairngorm Coffee!!
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